Connect Social was born at a meeting of like-minded entrepreneurs in a coffee shop in the spring of 2019. Tired of the ever-growing dominance of Amazon in the retail sector and seeking to find a way to better utilize social media for enterprise purposes, the idea behind Connect was formed. A revolutionary new, free of charge, social network ecosystem where users would be paid for there mined data. Merchants would in turn be provided with a low cost trackable and result driven advertising method, with which they could market directly to the exact consumer they want, with that consumer’s own smart phone. Consumers and merchants in a brand new, never been done before, centralized economy driven by a freely distributed and exchanged currency (a loyalty token) – truly revolutionary!
So, it was in the fall of 2019 Connect Social started out, testing in a single city with merchants and consumers, offering discounts to consumers from local merchants, while trying to develop the software necessary to integrate those consumers and merchants in a synergystic economy. Progress was being made when the Pandemic struck in the spring of 2020. All development of the Connect Social model ground to a halt due to the financial constraints caused by the strangulation of economic development that was caused across so many sectors. The company sought to stay alive by branching out into sectors that were still strong. Real Estate ended up seeing substantial growth after the initial shutdown, so it was that area that Connect targeted. A program was offered from Connect to Real Estate Agents that would see a mutual benefit to both parties. Venture capital was also sought by the company through various channels. Both these efforts met with limited success, but enough funding was obtained to carry operations through the worst of the Pandemic.
In 2021, with the economic constraints of the Pandemic waning, Connect found new footing as investment capital once again became available. Software development was started in earnest, with the long sought-after user integrated platform being developed and eventually Beta tested in the spring and summer of 2022. The platform was officially launched on October 1, 2022 with a party to celebrate. Since that time our user base of Ambassadors has grown steadily and the 1,000 spots reserved for Founders, which are the Ambassadors who purchase Connect Coin packs (our loyalty token currency), are filling rapidly. The vision of those ground breaking entrepreneurs, who started this transformative project in a humble coffee shop setting, is at last being rewarded. What started as a dream over a cup of coffee, has now become a reality that will have ripple effects throughout the world’s economy, which will quickly build to a tsunami of change in the way business is conducted. Connect Social is the future – a self-sustaining, digital, virtual economy with a currency that will circulate through it and grow in value in sync with that economy AND THAT FUTURE IS NOW!